David Coombes: Managing Director of Skills for Logistics

The Route Panel is a carefully selected team of sector specialists with the occupational experience and capability to review and advise on new Apprenticeship Standards, assessment plans and funding levels. Together, we are the employer voice of the Transport and Logistics sector, bringing our expertise and knowledge to the work of the Institute.

Working with the Institute, its board and committees, the Panel supports the creation of new apprenticeship opportunities and promotes occupations in transport and logistics – addressing the challenges and identifying both current and future skills gaps. It’s really about the flow of accurate, specialist information. We represent the needs of employers and ensure Apprenticeship Standards are fit for purpose. Meeting the needs of employers and being clear, accessible, affordable and achievable for apprentices, training providers and End-Point Assessors (EPA).

We take this responsibility very seriously at Skills for Logistics (SFL). If the logistics industry is to rise to the endemic recruitment and retention challenges, it needs top quality apprentices.  We have in-depth knowledge of the industry, working closely at the coal face of recruitment, training and skill issues. We therefore have a comprehensive understanding of skills and training which should be made available to the logistics industry.

Personally, this is an opportunity for me to give something back to an industry that has supported me throughout my career. I’m passionate about the skills agenda – so being part of the Institute for Apprenticeships allows me to take responsibility and truly promote and increase opportunities in logistics for the next generation.

If you’d like to get in touch to discuss any thoughts, ideas or concerns you have about apprenticeship standards or the levy then please get in touch. It would be great to hear from you.

@Davidcoombessfl @Skill_Logistics
David Coombes 25th February